Parent Voices

through grassroots organizing and leadership development, we activate and center the wisdom of parents to transform child care and ensure all systems that impact our families are just, fair, and inclusive.

Our Campaigns

Learn more about our campaigns in the fight for accessible and affordable quality child care and what we’ve accomplished here:


Click below to access the English and Spanish versions of our Latest Annual Report

2023 Annual Report  Informe Anual 2023

Stand For Children Day 2024 Highlight Video

Check out this highlight video of our amazing parent and youth leaders fighting for universal access to child care by permanently eliminating unjust & unaffordable fees from our 28th annual Stand For Children Day! Watch the fun and hard work that paved the way for family fee reform and provider rate increases!


Join the Fight

Join Parent Voices in the fight to make quality child care accessible and affordable for all families!

Join Now

Únase a la lucha

¡Únase a Parent Voices en la lucha para hacer que el cuidado infantil de calidad sea accesible y asequible para todas las familias!



Parent Voices gives parents the opportunity to channel our love for our children into action for social change.

– Susanna Padilla, Parent Voices Northern Alameda


We have 12 chapters across California, all building momentum with the belief that it is the parents who must ignite and fuel the process of change.