Family Fees Changed for the Better this Fall!

Nov 2nd, 2023

This fall we are celebrating and getting the word out! Child care family fees changed starting October 1, 2023, thanks to all the hard work we put in! We are so proud! Now let’s make sure every family and child care provider know!

Watch the “Celebrating Parent Power” Facebook Live featuring Parent Voices Parent Leaders, child care providers, our elected leaders, and experts on the family fees system. It’s full of information and testimonials!

Guidance for parents who need help paying for child care and don’t have child care yet:

  • Call your county Child Care Resource and Referral Network (R&R): 1-800-KIDS-793 or
  • Make sure to ask specifically about subsidized child care. Let them know, โ€œI need help to pay for child care. What are my options.โ€
  • Make clear your needs: What kind of care do you need? When do you need it? How old are your children?
  • Make sure to ask, โ€œHow do I get on the right list?โ€
  • IMPORTANT: If you as the parent (or legal guardian of your child) have received cash aid or CalWORKs in the last two years, you should be immediately eligible.
    • You are eligible for child care IF:
      1. You are working
      2. You are in school or some type of training program
      3. You are looking for work
      4. You have a disability or incapacitation

So many parents are eligible for subsidized child care, but think that they arenโ€™t!