Take Action: Email TODAY to Tell the Governor that you reject his proposed cuts to the CalWORKs program. 

Mar 19th, 2024

In his budget proposal, Governor Newsom is proposing to cut over $1 billion from CalWORKs by emptying the $900 million safety net reserve, and permanently eliminating the Family Stabilization program and Subsidized Employment program. Family Stabilization provides critical support to CalWORKs families at risk of homelessness, including parents fleeing domestic violence. Subsidized Employment offers paid job experience to CalWORKs recipients. 

California cannot continue to hand out upwards of $70 billion in tax breaks to corporations and high-income households while balancing the budget on the backs of families in poverty, mostly Black and brown families who are not responsible for state budget deficits. Take action today; click the link below to tell the Governor that you reject his proposed cuts to the CalWORKs program. 
